Powrót na górę


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Techno
  • 7359 Wyświetlenia
  • Lubi
[Tekst dostępny tylko w języku angielskim] http://vimeo.com/june74

June74 (Fabrizio Poce) is an electronic artist and developer who creates real time generative generative audio-driven visuals on top of his music, playing both music and visuals as one.

Most of his work is based on programming his own tools using Max/MSP/Jitter on top of Ableton Live (Max for Live), melting together music, sequencing, automation, patching, java and graphic shaders: a combination which allows him to perform "code" with extreme control and freedom and which he is trying to push towards uncharted territories.

Everything, always, rigorously, 100% REAL-TIME.

Czas trwania (minuty)


Co jest potrzebne

I will perform an original AV liveset (both music and visuals).
- I'll provide sound to the PA/mixer (from my laptop soundcard)
- I'll go in VGA / DVI to projection
- I just need power and a table.

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Techno



Netherlands Amsterdam


LPM 2014 Eindhoven
LPM 2014 Eindhoven
sobota, 28 czerwca 2014
LPM 2012 Rome
LPM 2012 Rome
niedziela, 03 czerwca 2012

Wideo (1)