Powrót na górę

Para ver, cierra los ojos

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Electroacoustic
  • 4848 Wyświetlenia
  • Lubi
Para ver, cierra los ojos
[Tekst dostępny tylko w języku angielskim] "Para ver, cierra los ojos"_Jan Švankmajer

EZTUL and TROPO, meet to build an audiovisual piece, that is an exploration into the micro-abstract landscapes of the material in the objects. As creative universes of Jan Švankmajer and Vladimir Tatlin, the matter has been a center of study and reflection, is a sensory trigger.

The visual performance is part of a metaphorical dissection of the texture in the matter and objects, through a camera that takes video recording and is intervened in real time.
This video is itself a kind of visual score for the design and real-time sound process by the TROPO Ensamble (guitar, violin, viola and saxophone) who built the sonic route of exploration.

Czas trwania (minuty)


Co jest potrzebne

-Video projector HD
- Table or video playing surface (1m x 1m)
-Table or console control surface (electrocustica)
-Amplified stereo audio system
-6 Audio channels available on console. ( available sends stereo)
-2 Microphones (saxophone and guitar) and two direct boxes (violin and viola)

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Electroacoustic



Mexico Mexico City, Ecatepec de Morelos


LPM 2013 Mex
LPM 2013 Mex
sobota, 26 stycznia 2013

Wideo (1)