Powrót na górę


  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • 5348 Wyświetlenia
  • Lubi
[Tekst dostępny tylko w języku angielskim] This performance is a presentation of some of the work done by the mexican audio-visual collective Rorscach_3.2 in the 5 years of their trajectory.
On the visual side will be audio-reactive images based on on algorithmic and scientific ideas: physical systems, quantum chemistry, digital signal processing and computational geometry.
While the audio will be based on electroacoustic compositions, livecoding and chiptunes sounds.
It's going to be pretty crazy.
All our sounds visuales are custom software made with Supercollider, Pure Data, Processing, Openframeworks and Cinder.

Czas trwania (minuty)


Co jest potrzebne

Setup for outputting 2 HD video signals from computers with HDMI connections.
2 white screens and projectors or 2 video screens, HD resolution if possible.
HDMI connections for the screens or projectors or WIRELESS if possible. In worst case scenario VGA.

Basic audio setup for outputting 2 or 4 channel audio.
That is audio console for at least 4 channel, audio system with it's respective amplification and cabling, a reference monitor and DI unit if possible.

  • AV Performance
  • Generative


Rorschach 3.2
Rorschach 3.2

Mexico Guanajuato


LPM 2013 Rome
LPM 2013 Rome
sobota, 25 maja 2013

Wideo (1)