Powrót na górę


  • AV Performance
  • 1523 Wyświetlenia
  • Lubi
[Tekst dostępny tylko w języku angielskim] SCAN is a project based on the repetetiveness of mechanical movement, achieved through both audio and video circuit bending.

The movement of a scanner's light, filmed with a short-circuit camera, generates a continuous video alteration. The progressive increase in speed leads to an increasing distorsion that ends in black. Running parallel to this movement, the sound repeats itsef around the recitation of a Koranic sura, and altering this vocal performance with industrial sonorities.

Video from the performance as acted at Elastico (ex Fragile Continuo), Bologna: http://vimeo.com/18880004

Czas trwania (minuty)


Co jest potrzebne

The instrumentation includes various bended pieces (all fitting in a 60x40 cm box), a scanner and a short-circuit camera.

Our only needs are: a videoprojector, a projection screen, a mixer and of course speakers. We also need some props, roughly 50 cms high (like boxes or small tables) where we can put the scanner and the camera.

  • AV Performance



Italy Bologna