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Video Mapping Hells Yes

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Electroacoustic
  • 5620 Wyświetlenia
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Video Mapping Hells Yes
[Tekst dostępny tylko w języku angielskim] This winter I did a VJ mapping on the Moses and Aaron church in Amsterdam. Usually in clubs I make mappings and actually rararely Vj on a screen. So yes, A live mapping contest would be awesome:) Recently I live mapped a brick wall, it was the maybe one of funniest and stupidest thing I've done so far. But it looked cool and I could practice my live mapping skills.. Go to my website for videos!

Czas trwania (minuty)


Co jest potrzebne

I need a good projector that is large and strong enough to project the whole surface. And cables.

  • VJ Set
  • Mapping
  • Electroacoustic


Frouke ten Velden
Frouke ten Velden

Netherlands Amsterdam

Wideo (1)